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SEND and Alternative Provision Improvement Plan

Right support, right place, right time.

Back in March 2023, the Government published the SEND and Alternative Provision Improvement Plan as a response to the SEND Green paper that was published in March 2022.

The SEND and AP Improvement Plan sets out the changes the government is planning to make to the SEND ‘system’ in order to hopefully improve it and support children and young people with SEND better.

Whilst the document is 101 pages long, I thought I would summarise the key points on here. There is emphasis on the word plan; there is still time to amend, evaluate, further plan. Changes won’t start taking place until 2025.

Fulfil children’s potential

Children and young people with SEND (or attending alternative provision) enjoy their childhood, achieve good outcomes and are well prepared for adulthood and employment;

The National Standards will set out what provision headteachers/CEOs, governing boards, college principals, directors of children’s services and Integrated Care Boards, need to make available for all children with SEND in every local area, nursery, school and college.

Build parents’ trust:

Parents and carers experience a fairer, easily navigable system (across education, health and care) that restores their confidence that their children will get the right support, in the right place, at the right time;

To help parents see what they can expect in their area, the plan proposes a tailored list of suitable settings, informed by the local inclusion plan. NGA agrees that this will help parents choose the most suitable setting for their child but hopes that such a system still accommodates parental choice.

provide financial sustainability:

Local leaders make the best use of record investment in the high needs budget to meet children and young people’s needs and improve outcomes, while placing local authorities on a stable financial footing.

Under this, we will see EHCPs digitised to improve consistency and best practice.

You can read the full paper here:

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